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Varee Chiangmai International School - Primary


Class Size
Age Range
5 to 7 years old
1 Homeroom teacher and 1 assistant teacher
Internal school assessments based on UK assessments
  • Key Stage 1

    Years 1 and 2 are a critical phase for learning foundation reading, writing and numeracy. This phase builds upon foundations laid in the early years and formalises phonics and basic mathematical skills. In this Key Stage students start investigations and research skills in Science, History and Geography. Maximum class sizes are 25, with one homeroom teacher and a teacher assistant who moves between the Year 1 and Year 2 classes. All students study ICT and learn basic computer skills. Part of developing well-balanced students, involves them taking Physical Education, Art, Drama, Music and PSHEE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education). All students study Thai language once a day.

Class Size
Age Range
7 to 10 years old
1 Homeroom Teacher and assistant for Years 3 and 4
Year 6 Cambridge Checkpoint Exams
  • Key Stage 2

    This is the age for discovery learning and students are engaged in many research projects, giving them the essential skills of critical thinking, analytical thinking and discovery of new knowledge and information. Literacy and numeracy is continually developed through strong reading programmes, studies of literature and discovery and practice of mathematical concepts. Science becomes more investigative in nature, and students learn the value of investigations and testing hypothesis. All students study ICT and learn basic programming skills in order to prepare them for the world they will live in. Maximum class size is 25 students per class with one homeroom teacher and one teacher assistant moving between Year 3 and Year 4. Students further develop in a variety of developmental areas through Physical Education, Art, Drama, Music, a second language and PSHEE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education). Non-Thai students must study Thai language as a foreign language.