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Varee Chiangmai International School - Student Council

Student Council

The Student Council allows students from Year 7 to Year 13 to share their ideas, as well as concerns. Not only does this give students the opportunity to discuss and deal with matters around the school, but it also improves their leadership and organizational skills. These skills are essential and extremely important when it comes to following a future career. Being part of the Student Council also opens up opportunities to top universities, as it shows independence, as well as professionalism.

The two main roles in the Student Council are Chairman/Chairwoman and Class Representatives. At Varee Chiangmai International, two representatives are chosen from each year. Ideas and concerns are shared with fellow classmates and then shared during the Council where other representatives are gathered. The Chairman/Chairwoman are in charge of presiding the meeting. This position is held by the head girl and head boy who are elected from Year 13 at the start of every school year.

At Varee Chiangmai International, students are encouraged to share any issues they may have. In the past, issues concerning broken objects or even the school uniform have been brought up. Ideas such as adding a new P.E shirt have been successfully achieved with the help of the Student Council. It is important that students feel safe and happy in their school environment and therefore, giving students the opportunity to share their voice with others plays a significant role.